In October 1950, a revised draft resolution on Formosa written by the UK delegation to the United Nations clarified that despite the statements made in the Cairo Declaration (December 1, 1943), no legal change in the status of Formosa as Japanese territory had yet been effected . . . .
1950年10月,英國代表團向聯合國提交的修訂決議草案澄清為:儘管《開羅宣言》(1943年12月01日)作出了聲明,但仍未影響對台灣作為日本領土地位進行任何法律上的改變了 . . . .

Telegram: United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State (Acheson)

Date: October 11, 1950

Subject: Revised UK draft resolution on Formosa

電報: 美國駐聯合國代表(奧斯汀)致國務卿(艾奇遜)

日期: 1950年10月11日

主題: 修訂後的英國關於台灣的決議草案

. . . . Noting (A) That the signatories to the Cairo declaration declared it to be one of their purposes that all the territories that Japan had stolen from the Chinese, including Formosa, should be restored to the Republic of China;
. . . . 茲注意到 (A) 《開羅宣言》的簽署國宣布,日本從中國人那裡偷走的所有領土,包括福爾摩沙,應歸還中華民國是其宗旨之一;

(B) That no legal change in the status of Formosa as Japanese territory has yet been effected, although at the end of hostilities with Japan, China was permitted to assume the administration of the island, . . . .
(B)儘管在與日本的交戰行動結束後,中國被允許擔任台灣島的管理,但尚未對台灣處於日本領土的地位進行任何法律上的改變 . . . . .

[ source: United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1950. East Asia and the Pacific, Volume VI (Document 322) ]

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