By sending the Seventh Fleet into the Taiwan Strait, the U.S. Executive Branch has forcefully emphasized its position that Formosa is an international problem, not China's internal problem.

Memorandum of Conversation: by Colonel Stanton Babcock of the Department of Defense

Date: October 23, 1950

Subject: Japanese Peace Treaty

談話備忘錄: 國防部斯坦頓巴布科克上校

日期: 1950年10月23日

主題: 日本和約

[Ambassador of China] Dr. Wellington Koo's principal objection to the proposed treaty was the provision that the status of Formosa should be settled by the United Nations.
[中國大使] 顧維鈞博士反對擬議條約的主要理由是台灣的地位應由聯合國解決的規定。

[U.S. Secretary of State] Mr. Dulles replied that he understood the Chinese viewpoint but that he wanted to be absolutely sure that China understood the United States stand. He pointed out that it was only because we took the view that Formosa represents a problem which should be settled by international agreement that we were able to protect Formosa with the Seventh Fleet. Were we to accept the Chinese point of view our use of the Seventh Fleet would constitute an interference in China's internal problems.
[美國 國務卿]杜勒斯先生回答說,他理解中國的觀點,但他想絕對確定中國理解美國的立場。 他指出,正是因為我們認為台灣是一個應該通過國際協議來解決的問題,我們才能用第七艦隊保護台灣。 如果我們接受中國的觀點,我們使用第七艦隊將構成對中國內部問題的干涉。

[ source: United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1950. East Asia and the Pacific, Volume VI (1950), page 1325 ]

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