The United States has a special responsibility for Taiwan due to its military liberation of island.

Memorandum: from Consul General at Taipei (MacDonald) to the Secretary of State

Date: December 3, 1949, Taipei

Subject: US responsibility for Taiwan

備忘錄: 駐台北總領事(麥克唐納)致國務卿

日期: 1949年12月03日,台北

主題: 美國對台灣的責任

Point brought out by L. K. Little of China Customs with ECA (Economic Cooperation Administration) Nason believed worthy of relay is: Announced US policy is to resist communism at Chinese borders; regardless of opinion elsewhere Far Eastern peoples consider Taiwan outside China; therefore, if US allows Communist take over Taiwan doubt will develop in Japanese and Southeast Asian minds as to sincerity US pronouncement and advisability their own resistance. In addition many in same areas consider US has special responsibility for Taiwan through its military liberation of island, Yalta and Cairo Declarations, and dominant position rest Japanese Empire.
中國海關的 L. K. Little 與 ECA (經濟合作署) 的 Nason 一起提出的觀點值得轉述:美國宣佈的政策是在中國邊境抵制共產主義; 不管其他地方的意見如何,遠東人民認為台灣在中國之外; 因此,如果美國允許共產黨接管台灣,日本和東南亞就會對美國聲明的誠意和他們自己的抵抗是否明智產生懷疑。 此外,同一地區的許多人認為,美國通過其軍事解放島嶼、雅爾塔和開羅宣言以及日本帝國的主導地位,對台灣負有特殊責任。

[ source: United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1949. The Far East: China Volume IX (1949), page 433 ]

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