Chinese President Li Zongren was in favor of a joint Sino-American Commission to govern Taiwan, but admitted that if U.S. did not favor such a proposal, the U.S. could properly take over Taiwan by "right of conquest."
中國國家主席李宗仁贊成中美聯合委員會治理台灣,但承認如果美國不贊成這樣的提議,美國可以主張 "征服權" 來妥善接管台灣。

Telegram: from the Charge in China (Strong) to the Secretary of State

Date: Oct. 23, 1949, Chungking

Subject: U.S. Policy on Taiwan

電報: 駐華代辦(Strong)到國務卿

日期: 1949年10月23日,重慶

主題: 美國對台政策

As a third major point in conversation on October 22, Chu Chang-Wei said President Li [Zongren] was anxious to be informed of U.S. policy on Taiwan and declared Li authorized him to say that Li was willing to see Taiwan in hands of a friendly country rather than taken by Chinese Communists as they (are already) controlled by USSR. Chu stated Li would prefer a joint Sino-American Commission govern Taiwan, but if U.S. did not favor this proposal, U.S. could properly take over Taiwan by "right of conquest." To avoid charges that such action violated moral obligation undertaken by U.S. at Cairo to return Taiwan to China, he explained U.S. could promise to cede Taiwan back to China some future time. Moral obligation of U.S. respect to recovery of Taiwan by China had now become, he averred, responsibility to keep island from Communist control.
作為10月22日談話的第三個要點,朱昌偉表示,李宗仁總統急於了解美國對台政策,並宣布李授權他說,李願意看到台灣掌握在友好國家的手中,而不是被中國共產黨佔領,因為他們已經被蘇聯控制。 朱表示,李寧更願意中美聯合委員會治理台灣,但如果美國不贊成這個提議,美國可以主張以征服權來接管台灣。 為避免此類行為違反美國在開羅答應的將台灣歸還中國的道義義務,他解釋說,美國可以答應在未來某個時候將台灣割讓給中國。 他斷言,美國尊重中國收回台灣的道義義務現在已經變成了讓台灣不受共產黨控制的責任。

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[ source: United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1949. The Far East: China Volume IX (1949), page 400 ]

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