福坦莫大學國際法學期刊             一中政策與台灣             (英文論文,共 87頁)  

  主旨: 中國境外  


In August 1945, when U.S. General MacArthur (as the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) assigned the R.O.C government to receive the surrender of the Japanese commanders in Taiwan, the R.O.C. government was still in control of a large part of China's territory. But, by 1949, that government had lost control over most of China's territory to the Chinese Communists in a civil war and taken refuge in Formosa, outside of China's territory.
1945年08月,當美國麥克阿瑟將軍(作為盟軍最高指揮官)指派中華民國政府接受日本駐台灣指揮官的投降時,該國政府仍控制著中國大部分領土。 但是,到了1949年,該國政府在內戰中失去了對中國大部分領土的控制權,並在中國境外的福爾摩沙避難。

English version

One-China Policy and Taiwan

by Y. Frank Chiang
紐約 福坦莫大學             法學院教授 江永芳

Fordham International Law Journal  Vol. 28:1, December 2004

This 87-page article may be downloaded from the Vol 28, Iss. 1 page of the
Fordham International Law Journal website

