Japan did not cede sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores to China. Japan renounced its own sovereignty but left the future title undefined. As principal victor over Japan, the United States has an unsatisfied interest in these former Japanese islands.
日本沒有割讓福爾摩沙和澎湖的主權給中國。 日本放棄了自己的主權,但未定義未來的所有權。 作為日本的主要戰勝國,美國對這些日本前島嶼有未滿足的關照。

Report: The Secretary of State to the National Security Council

Date: October 28, 1954

Subject: US policies in relation to China

報告: 國務卿致國家安全委員會

日期: 1954年10月28日

主旨: 美國對中國政策

. . . In this connection it may be noted that Japan never ceded sovereignty over Formosa and the Pescadores to China. Japan renounced its own sovereignty but left the future title undefined. Thus the United States as principal victor of Japan has an unsatisfied interest in these former Japanese islands.
在這方面,可以指出的是,日本從未將福爾摩沙和澎湖的主權割讓給中國。 日本放棄了自己的主權,但未定義未來的所有權。 因此,美國作為日本的主要戰勝國對這些日本前群島有未滿足的關照。

[ source: United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1952-1954. China and Japan Volume XIV, Part 1 (1952-1954), page 811 ]

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