President Eisenhower held that Formosa and the Pescadores were not technically under Chinese sovereignty since Japan had made no cession in favor of China. The Nationalist Chinese are living in a "privileged sanctuary."
艾森豪總統認為,台灣和澎湖列島最準確的說不屬於中國主權,因為日本沒有做出有利於中國的割讓。 國民黨中國人目前生活在特別的避難所中。

Conference: The President and the Secretary of State
Date: October 18, 1954
Subject: Issues regarding the security treaty with Nationalist China
會議: 總統和國務卿
日期: 1954年10月18日
主題: 關於與國民黨中國的安全條約問題
. . . He [President Eisenhower] also reaffirmed the point I had mentioned, namely, that Formosa and Pescadores had a distinctive juridical status under the Japanese Peace Treaty. They were not technically under Chinese sovereignty since Japan had made no cession in favor of China. The President agreed, however, that once we made a security treaty with Nationalist China covering Formosa and the Pescadores, it would be necessary for them to refrain from offensive operations from their "privileged sanctuary."
他[艾森豪總統]也重申了我剛才提到的一點,即台灣和澎湖在日本和約下具有獨特的法律地位。 其最準確的說不屬於中國主權,因為日本沒有做出有利於中國的割讓。 然而,總統同意,一旦我們與國民黨中國簽訂了涵蓋台灣和澎湖列島的安全條約,他們就必須避免從他們的特別避難所採取進攻行動。
[ source: United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1952-1954. China and Japan Volume XIV, Part 1 (1952-1954), No. 350 ]
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