The misrule of Formosa by the Chinese Nationalists has been shocking, and the intentions expressed at Cairo may need to be re-evaluated.

Memorandum: by the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Butterworth) to the Deputy Under-Secretary of State (Rusk)

Date: June 9, 1949, Washington

Subject: Proposed Statement to the United Nations

備忘錄: 遠東事務辦公室主任(Butterworth)致副國務卿(Rusk)

日期: 1949年06月09日,華盛頓

主題: 擬向聯合國發表的聲明

Under the Cairo Declaration of December 1, 1943, to which both the United States and the United Kingdom were parties, the intention was expressed to restore to the Republic of China the territories, such as Manchuria and Formosa, which had earlier been lost to Japan. The Cairo Declaration, however, further declared that the determination of the final status of Formosa must await the conclusion of a peace settlement for Japan. Having watched with mounting concern the misrule of Formosa by the Chinese governing authorities since VJ Day, the United States has reached the conclusion that the Chinese Government has forfeited the right to a perfunctory confirmation of sovereignty at the time of concluding a peace settlement with Japan, . . . .
根據 1943年12月01日美國和英國均為協約國的《開羅宣言》,表示有意將早先失去給日本的滿洲和台灣等領土歸還中華民國。 然而,《開羅宣言》進一步聲明,台灣的最終地位的確定必須等待日本和平締結方案的達成。自 VJ 紀念日 (即第二次世界大戰對日戰爭勝利紀念日) 以來,美國越來越關注中國管理當局對台灣的不當統治,美國得出的結論是,在與日本達成和平解決方案時,中國政府已經喪失了一個敷衍了事式之確認主權的權利 . . . .

[ source: United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1949. China, Volume IX ]

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  [FN #1] Editor's note: Many historical researchers in Taiwan have described the rule of the ROC/KMT during the White Terror period as exceedingly brutal and cruel.
