General Douglas MacArthur’s Statement

General Douglas MacArthur

Statement on the Taiwan Status Issue

Speaker: General Douglas MacArthur

subject: Taiwan still belongs to Japan

date: May 4, 1951

quote: " . . . . . legalistically Formosa is still a part of the Empire of Japan."

(source: Statement by General Douglas MacArthur before a Congressional hearing)

Newspaper Report
General Douglas MacArthur speaks in Congress

United States Congress, Capitol Hill,   Washington, D.C.
  New York Times, May 5, 1951, at A7

Douglas MacArthur

Served for 52 years in the United States military
United Nations Command
Far East Command
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
U.S. Army Forces Pacific (Indo-Pacific Command)
Southwest Pacific Area Command
U.S. Army Forces Far East
born: Jan. 26, 1880         died: April 5, 1964
last served under President Harry Truman

Chinese language version

[English version]
[Chinese version]