With communist domination expanding in all areas, Mainland China is in crisis as remnants of the Nationalist regime and their supporters hold out in the Canton area, Yunnan, Szechuan, and the northwest. Some are moving to Taiwan, which is an area not yet under Chinese sovereignty.
隨著共產黨統治在所有地區擴張,中國大陸正處於危機之中,因為國民黨政權的殘餘官員及其支持者在廣州地區、雲南、四川和西北地區堅持不懈。 一些人正搬到台灣,這是一個尚未歸中國主權管轄的地區。

Telegram: from the Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

Date: December 17, 1948

Subject: American policy toward Taiwan

電報: 駐華大使 (Stuart) 致國務卿

日期: 1948年12月17日

主題: 美國對台政策

The problem of Taiwan presents, however, certain differences from other peripheral areas. Inhabitants, after more than generation of Japanese rule and their geographic detachment from the mainland, have developed political sense of autonomy which, if anything, has been strengthened by Chinese maladministration [since close of hostilities]. Despite commitment of Cairo declaration, Taiwan is still legally part of Japanese empire and occupied territory.
然而,台灣問題與其他周邊地區存在一定差異。 居民在經歷了一代又一代的日本統治和他們與大陸的地理分離之後,已經形成了政治上的自治意識,如果有的話,這種意識已經被中國的管理不善 [自敵對行動結束以來] 加強了。 儘管開羅宣言的承諾,台灣在法律上仍然是日本帝國的一部分和被佔領土。

[ source: Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, The Far East: China, Volume VII Document 550 ]

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