Republic of China

Civil Service Examinations

Civil Service Examinations

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Under the leadership of the KMT, the ROC government put in force many legal policies which discriminated against local Taiwanese persons. One famous example was the institution of eligibility quotas for obtaining civil service (and many related) positions based on provincial origin. This policy assured that each year only 4% to 6% of such positions were open to Taiwanese applicants. All other positions went to "Mainlanders."   (The "mainlanders" were the government officials and military personnel, who originally came to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek, along with their family members and other relatives.)

Even though the legal frameworks of all civilized nations stipulate that "All citizens are equal before the law," in the ROC such eligibility quotas, which treated Taiwanese persons as 2nd or 3rd class citizens, continued into the 1990s.

Covering the period of 1950 to 1990 in Taiwan, the following table gives figures for the total population, the population of "Mainlanders", the population of "Mainlanders" as a percentage of the total population, and the significance of these statistics for those Taiwan people competing for civil service positions.

Year Total Population Mainlander Mainlander %     Significance
1950  7,554,339   524,940  6.9% Eligibility for approx. 94% of all vacancies in civil service positions in Taiwan were only open to 6.9% of the population.
1960 10,792,202 1,279,426 11.9% Eligibility for approx. 94% of all vacancies in civil service positions in Taiwan were only open to 11.9% of the population.
1970 14,753,911 2,314,474 15.7% Eligibility for approx. 94% of all openings in civil service positions in Taiwan were only open to 15.7% of the population.
1980 17,866,008 2,594,447 14.5% Eligibility for approx. 94% of all openings in civil service positions in Taiwan were only open to 14.5% of the population.
1990 20,401,305 2,774,738 13.6% Eligibility for approx. 94% of all openings in civil service positions in Taiwan were only open to 13.6% of the population.

          Major Internet References
Note: English language information on the above topics is often difficult to find. Most authoritative sources are in Chinese, as given below.

(1) 公務人員高普考試   按省區定額錄取制度沿革

(2) 1992年以前,公務員高普考的外省保障名額有多大

(3) 臺灣人口臺灣人口

(4) 現在人人可考公職 … 而當年台灣人不能公平考試

(5) 外省人的人數、來源與分布

(6) 臺灣外省人臺灣外省人

(7) 外省人在哪裡?

(8) 外省人的國家認同

(9) 由「中國省籍」到「台灣族群」: 戶口普查籍別類屬轉變之分析

(10) 臺灣省公務人員高等暨普通考試臺灣省公務人員高等暨普通考試

(11) 【當年不能做的事!】你不能公平考公職

(12) 中華民國公務人員考選制度之演進

Chinese language version

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